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Dark Mode is a newly popular design concept that can be seen in both digital and web interfaces as well as the Operating systems of your mobiles. However, the causes of its rise & its popularity skyrocketing among teenagers are still unknown. When showing information on screens, Dark Mode’s core premise is to use a light-on-dark color scheme that is not a new concept in this digital age. In the 1970s and 1980s, dark backgrounds for computer user interfaces were widespread, but it should be noted that this was not a design choice, but rather a necessity owing to a lack of advanced technology.

However, as technology allowed for the reproduction of paper on screen, CRT displays with black backgrounds were considered inferior and thus outdated. Furthermore, past research into color schemes revealed that, based on medical data and usability in everyday life, bright on dark color schemes are often poorer than their equivalents. While facts and scientific results are vital, history has proven that trends are frequently influenced by subjectivity, personal worth, and herd mentality. This makes analyzing and predicting future trends more difficult. In a world of modern design, trends, as well as trendsetters, are extremely essential because they define the future mainstream. 

Designers must be able to recognize trends and patterns in order to react to changes in the public’s perception of design and deliver appealing design solutions. The inclusion of Dark Mode in numerous applications, websites, web-based applications, and entire operating systems that target not just mobile devices but also desktop and portable devices is currently one of the most popular design choices.  & here’s why:

Minimizes the exposure to blue light

When it gets dark, your brain naturally produces more melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone. Because any sort of light can disturb melatonin levels, people should try to avoid them as bedtime approaches. Although there isn’t enough data to back it up, some studies link that nighttime light exposure to an increased risk of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Melatonin secretion is disrupted more by blue light than by other forms of light making blue light harmful for your body. Unfortunately, blue light is emitted by our computer and smartphone screens that inhibit melatonin for twice as long as other green light, according to research.

According to studies, people should avoid using bright displays three hours before going to bed. However, given how many people check their phones before going to bed, it won’t be wrong to say only a handful of people follow this suggestion.

In comparison to conventional screen settings, night mode emits much less blue light. Thus adopting the dark mode instead of typical screen modes that employ blue light helps you sleep better & allows you to complete all your pending work at night.

Improves sleep by reducing the strain on your eyes.

People would probably not need the benefits of dark mode if they only used websites and smartphone apps for short periods of time during the day. However, studies show that the amount of time people spend staring at screens has increased significantly. Here dark mode could play an important role in mitigating negative health effects without requiring consumers to put down their devices—something designers and developers would prefer not to do for obvious reasons!

People pick up their phones 58 times per day on average with the majority of the interactions being:

  • 70% of sessions are under two minutes long.
  • 25% are between two and ten minutes.
  • Only 5% of sessions last longer than 10 minutes.

All of those interactions add up to 3 hours and 15 minutes of screen time in a day!

These figures only apply to smartphone use during the workday. With more people using computers at work, it’s safe to assume that many of them can add at least 6.5 hours of screen time to the 3 hours 15 minutes they spend looking at their phones. Even a conservative estimate indicates that people spend more than half of their day exposed to the bright, blue light of computer screens.

Dark mode increases battery life.

Long battery lives are frequently used as selling points by smartphone and laptop manufacturers to persuade customers to spend more money on their products. Battery life is certainly important in a mobile device, but users likely have far more control than they realize over how long charges will last. According to tech experts, only smartphones with OLED panels will benefit from the increased battery life from dark mode. Because LCD screens use roughly the same amount of energy regardless of the sort of light they utilize, they are unlikely to last longer in dark mode.

Experiment with more design alternatives.

Designers have more freedom to experiment with design possibilities for their products while using dark mode. Certain colors can be difficult to see on a white screen as light blue backgrounds may encourage you to concentrate on text much more attentively than a dark one. The shift to darker themes has been considerably more noticeable in smartphone apps than it has been on websites. Many app designers like to use dim lighting because it provides a more conducive setting for:

  • Adding more contrast to Backgrounds, big pictures, and text.
  • It’s easy to make image-heavy designs look more professional.
  • People who like playing a lot of video games have been accustomed to gloomy color palettes, so they expect apps to follow the same.

Finally, there’s no denying that certain colors stand out against a black background! You can make light blue, pink, yellow, and other colors stand out by dimming the background or switching to completely black backgrounds. These colors would blend into a white background, but they stand out considerably in a black background.


Dark Mode is a new trend in operating systems, websites, and apps that is used for a variety of reasons, the most important of which is to reduce the brightness of screens in low-light environments to reduce eye strain. The Dark Mode trend has gone mainstream, and it is now available to users of almost every digital device (including my smartphone as well!). There is no reason to believe that people will abandon the option because they prefer to use it for greater convenience in their daily interactions with digital devices.

Dark Mode is a personal preference rather than a technical requirement, so users can choose whether or not to use it. Users who spend more time in front of screens are pleased with the addition of Dark Mode. Although it has been demonstrated that Dark Mode makes text more difficult to read, this is only relevant in word processing applications or applications that contain or deal with running text. This disadvantage does not affect the majority of apps and operating system interfaces. All of the advantages suggest that Dark Mode will remain an option in operating systems and apps for the foreseeable future. Because Dark Mode is a trend, it is possible that it will evolve in new directions and areas of life. 


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